Tips from Persona Grata Perfect wedding studio


10 ways to make an outdoors wedding ceremony spectacular and individual:

The main advantages of the wedding ceremony in the park (forest, in nature) are the space, freedom of creativity and stunning scenery around. The objective of the decorator is to determine how to use the open space as much efficiently as possible and make the event the most comfortable. Small inclusions into the general background, zoning the area, and an exotic entrance to the location will create an atmosphere of exclusivity and individuality.

Here are 10 great ideas that will make your wedding ceremony spectacular and individual:

10. Make use of the area as much as possible to create your own individual event, take a look at all the wealth of flora that is really close.

9. Consider the entrance to the main area of the ceremony, make it special.

8. Better not to lay an artificial track – emphasize on various natural elements.

7. Augment the zone where the ceremony will be held above the zone of visitors – in that way you will strengthen the pompousness of the event.

6. Use compositions of wildflowers.

 5. Place the guests’ seats under a large tree. Hang various decorations on its branches.

4. Mark the path to the venue of the ceremony.

3. Complete the décor with various stylish details. Because they are the most important!

2. Do not read the familiar texts of wedding ceremony vows – think of your own exciting moments!

1. Do not forget the final stage of the ceremony – surprise your guests with your creativity.