Bright and creative design of photo zone at the wedding is a guarantee of interesting and popular pictures!


The correct background, according to the story or holiday atmosphere, combined with the skillful actions of a professional photographer, will help to get a truly spectacular photos both for you and your guests. Moreover photo zone can be used as an element of additional entertainment for guests before the banquet and on it’s breaks. The main condition is to not limit yourself with standards and to think creatively – background for photo shoots can be any topic that you prefer.

Perfect Wedding Studio by Persona Grata Agency offers a traditional ten ideas for design of photo zones and creation of unique photos of your wedding:

10. The traditional banner or wall for photography – the most popular option – can be placed in any location and created on any theme.

9. Photo zone on the street near the venue of the banquet – the possibility to come up with props and various accessories.

8. As an alternative of Photo Zone – mobile stage property with the possibility of changing and maximum choice of image ideas.

7. Precarious idea is to design photo zone with the help of monitors – this will allow to create any background or image.

6. Photo Zone with tantamarizka – that means banners with holes for the head.

5. To use on photo zone hard posters or growth figures, especially impressive when in this role newlyweds are in different life situations.

4. Interesting variant for design of photo zone is the maximum utilization of the various elements of furniture from the combination of the venue without using the background.

3. Creative budget option is blackboard with chalk.

2. As an alternative to use alive figures and entertainers in the images.

1. And finally some advices for organizing photos zones: for maximum comfort put extra photographer; pictures will be better if you use a professional lighting; it is advisable not to overdo it with accessories – remember that guests are with makeup, hairstyles and so on.