Adventures on the Dniester Canyon


(1 day trip)

The typical appearance of the Dniester Canyon – steep rocky or wooden banks, wild and untouched nature, picturesque islands. The banks of the Dniester resemble Earth’s surface in the cut. Dniester slopes contain a large number of rare plants, animals and birds.

відпочинок у Дністровському каньйонівідпочинок на річці Дністер

The warm climate in the canyon distinguishes this area from other areas of Western Ukraine. The walls of the canyon detain sun warm through the summer rains are almost never happens, and spring plants blossom 2-3 weeks earlier than in other parts of the region. That’s why tradition of the rafting in these areas is over 70 years. The desire to “walk” on the Dniester attracted and still attracts Ukrainian and foreign travelers. In the piece, along about 250 km can be found more than a dozen karst caves and grottos, which are in limestone. Their bizarre appearance from the river level are impressive. A small waterfalls – “girlish tears” that run down overgrown with thick moss on the rocks, which are found along the route, represent a unique beauty spectacle. Legendary ruins of ancient castles, steep cliffs and gentle green valleys, waterfalls – all this opens the eyes of tourists on weekends plunge into the magical world of the Dniester rafting!

сплав річкою Дістроодноденний сплав Дністровським каньйономприготування до сплаву Дністром

Season: spring, summer, autumn
Difficulty: a newbie

Rafting on rafts – 4-8-persons for one inflatable boat!

Program of the trip:
– 8.00 – 11.00 – meeting in Lviv, transfer to the starting point of the trip
– 11.00 – 11.30 – safety training, distribution of the rafting vehicles,
light breakfast
– 11.30 – 15.00 – rafting, p. Deleva – p. Peter, 20 km
– 15.30 – 17.30 – arrival at the finish, picnic in the canyon, recreation
– 18.00 – 21.30 – transfer to the city

The price includes: instructor, meals, excursions according to the route, shuttle Lviv – the river – Lviv, rent of water and general equipment, insurance.

Minimum number of group – 15 people.