Carpathian exotics – a mountain tram!


Adventure trip on Weekend!

Do You remember the last time you experienced in the luxury of a leisurely trip on the tram? It’s an incredible feeling of returning to the world of childhood, when there is no hurry and You just enjoy the trip on a tram. Now imagine that outside the window there are neither houses nor cars but the picturesque scenery of the Carpathians and clean rivers torrents. Moreover,  You do not breathe that stuffy urban air but the fresh mountain air, rich flavors of wild herbs and flowers! Add to this the opportunity to improve health with the healing spring water and just relax from the bustle among the eternal mountains… Isn’t it a great way to spend your day off?

What do we offer?

Departure from Lviv  – Vygoda village Dolinsky district, Ivano-Frankivsk region. (our journey on a legendary “Carpathian tram” begins and it will take us to unexpected and unknown areas) – next spot – Novyy Myzun’, where we will have a picnic and restore the peace of our mind and then full of strength and energy return back to Lviv.

What are we going to see?

  •         hydrological landmark nature reserve of national importance “Shirkovets”;
  •         try healing mineral water from a source “Naftusya” and drink the purest water in the Carpathians from the mountain “Dyuzrkach”;
  •         have a walk up to the picturesque meadows, and excursion to the ‘air bridges’;
  •         enjoy the beauty of picturesque waterfalls Mizunivskih.

Now in detail:

Leaving the hustle and bustle city, we can finally breathe! We travel to a typical Ukrainian mountain village. Twenty years ago, thanks to the powerful timber enterprises it was considered a promising industrial center. Now tourists come here just for aesthetic pleasure.

“Carpathian tram” arrived. While traveling in the van, local guide will tell you about the history of this region and the most narrow-gauge railway.

Our journey starts at 11.00. The tram has an open wagon for those who love to feel the wind in their hair and the warmth of sunlight kisses, or even a drop of rain on their face. There is also a traditional indoor wagon which does not make your journey less interesting.

We travel along a marvelous mountain river. By the way, there are more than 30 bridges during our trip!

The tram goes so close to the mountains that you can see in detail the patterns of moss on the rocks. Enjoy the view and breathe, breathe!

The route passes by the famous State Natural Reserve “Shirkovets.” Driving  through the area, we meet for the first time with a sundew – flower that eats small insects.  We can also breath the scent of  baguley – in the warm summer days animals faint of that smell. Isn’t it great that it’s not summer yet! 😉

Our first stop will be near the water “Horyanka” in the village of New Myzun. Only 200 meters away there is a sourse of mineral water type “Naftusya” . Everybody can try the healing water.

We have a small break and we do not waste time in vain – we climb to the meadows to stretch our legs a bit and enjoy the scenery. Then we will get a portion of food for the brain and go on an excursion to the “air bridges” across the river Mizunka.

Next spot is at the Mizunski waterfalls.

Mizunski waterfalls are small waterfalls cascade behind the village New Myzun. The waterfalls are a bit low and remind thresholds. Over the falls there is an old bridge, where you can enjoy their simply astonishing beauty.

Our route continues past the source of “Dzyurkach” in the sanatorium “Dhzerelo Prikarpatya”, which was once the rehabilitation center for astronauts. This is our final point. Now we can relax completely and benefit from the beauty of the mountains and the freshness of the air! A delicious dinner will fill your body with energy. The food is never so tasty like the one which You eat at a picnic!

You will get an unforgettable experience and will definitely want to make the journey once again! Having rejuvenated the body and soul, full of new forces we drive back to Lviv to gshare our emotions with those who have spent the day at the TV screens or in the kitchen.