Adventure Game “Finding New Land”


There is speculation that on the other side of the ocean is unexplored land.
Throughout its history mankind has sought it since the ancient manuscripts is a land of eternal joy and happiness.
Anyone who finds this region will forget about all the problems and will get a happy and carefree life!

But many centuries have passed, and so no one could find land.  All the brave men who organized expeditions to search came back with nothing or never returned at all.  According to the stories of those who returned, drawn up many different maps and advice to find this location.  Someone said that the coveted land protect Aborigines, who have created a lot of obstacles on the way to them and for several hundred years not permit anyone.
Охочі, що збираються попасти на цю територію мають пройти ряд випробовувань: розгадати й пройти всі перепони, створені місцевим плем’ям охоронців та отримати від них дозвіл на перебування – карту знаходження омріяного місця.
Those who want going to get on this territory should undergo a series of tests, solve and pass all the obstacles created by the local tribe guards and get their permission to stay – a map of cherished places.

The weekend is designed for one or two days with a little competition in search of “New Lands” , a picnic and fun interactives in your free time.
In order to find the magical place  you need pass two major phases:
– water: rafting on the river Dniester.
The group floated on catamarans and rafts to the finish point.



– the route passes through the land: on the prepared area teams perform “tests” from the local tribe of aborigines, to check the strength, durability and agility (small team relay races based on the elements of teambuilding).

For completing each stage the teams receive a part of the overall map which will gather at the finish of the competition and by means of which define the place where will take place the second part of the event – picnic. Then move all the specified route map to where waiting for sincere welcome and hospitable table!