At the banquet to Roquefort! The two-day gastronomic excursion tour


The two-day gastronomic excursion tour

All fans of cheese are invited to taste this product with a true gourmet taster – Roquefort or Rocky, well known to us from the cartoons of chipmunks-rescuers. Who if not he could determine that the most delicious cheese in the world is actually produced quite close to us on our Ukrainian Zakarpattia Cheese Factory?! There you can not only taste different kinds of high-quality cheeses, but also see the whole process of manufacturing this product with the latest Swiss technology!

But to go to the mountains and do not see the “Pearl of the Carpathians” – unacceptable! That is why we invite you on an unforgettable journey that will bring pleasure not only to your tummy, but also your eyes!

The route of our trip: Lviv – National Park “Synevyr” (dinner, entertainment and overnight) – Cheese Factory in the village Nyzne Selyshche Khust district, Zakarpattia region (tasting, observing, shopping) – return to the city Lviv.

What do we see?

  • Understanding the culture and customs of the inhabitants of Zakarpattia: Boyko, Lemko, Hungarians, Roma and Ruthenian.
  • Best dishes of the Carpathian cuisine
  • Beauty of the Carpathian mountains, lake Synevyr, National Natural Reserve
  • Tasting environmentally friendly cheeses Selyskoyi Cheese Factory made according to the best Swiss technology.
  • Tasting the best wines in Zakarpattia ancient wine cellars

Where are we going?

The most mysterious lake Synevyr – heart of Carpathians – each year attracts more and more of people. Located at an altitude of 989 meters above sea level, has an average area of 4.5 hectares and its average depth is 8.10 m, maximum – 24 m. This is even deeper than the Azov Sea, the deepest place of which – 14 m!

Some interesting facts:

  • There is a legend of the daughter of a wealthy man named Syn with eyes bluer than sky. Beauty was in love with the shepherd Vyr. However, her father did not like it, and he ordered to kill the poor man. Finding out Syn ran to that place, hugged stone and cried. For a long time she wept until the place formed a lake. The lake water was clean and blue as the eyes of her, and in the middle of the lake was visible the top of the stone. Since that time, the lake is called Synevyr.
  • People with creative imagination always try to complement the beauty of nature. Architects successfully inscribed viewing platform in the surrounding landscape. And on small peninsulas is towering carved mahogany sculpture of local artists, called “Syn and Vyr”. The height of the monument – 13 meters, weight – about 30 tons. Reflected in the water, it perceived the mysterious wonderful tale of immortal love.
  • Lake Synevyr has another name – Marine eye. To understand the logic of this name you need to look at it from a high of a bird’s eye – through the Carpathian green forest lake is seen as an eye that reflect the heavenly blue of the sky. And in the middle of the lake is located, as the pupil of blue eye, a small island only a few square meters long.
  • In fact, Synevyr lake was formed in the post-glacial period, about 10,000 years ago by damming of river valley.

So how can you pass by such beauty? To truly enjoy the full poetry of the area, we offer you an unforgettable night at the Carpathian real campfire, enjoy bograch – Hungarian national soup, and make many incredible photos to commemorate the mystical charm of the legendary lakes and picturesque Carpathian folklore!

You will stay for a night in Carpathian wonderful hospitable family that has a local hotel there. It is located in a very beautiful area at the foot of the mountain, at an altitude of 960 meters. Right next to the lake. At your disposal – cozy rooms with modern design, made in calm colors and feature contemporary furnishings. Additionally, for those who wish will be ready  sauna, swimming pool, herbal sauna “Cedar barrel” made of the 400-year-Altai cedar and steam in the Russian bath on firewood and other entertainment.

Waking up to the singing fowls of heaven and the sun, after a light breakfast you will be led to the magic factory where the simple milk turns to something incredible! 

Our friend Rocky would probably settled here! 🙂

It all starts in the morning when the villagers come to Mr. Nicholas with the fresh milk. It is poured into a huge vat … and then there is real magic!

The secrets of cooking a step by step will be told and shown by masters of the enterprise. And no preservatives, no contaminants, no flavorings and colorings. There are no analogues of such cheese in Ukraine! After all, the quality and taste of these cheeses on the European level, moreover, made with Swiss technology in environmentally clean area of the Carpathians. And in fact known throughout our country, as almost the only authentic!

After reviewing the process, everyone can enjoy 4 kinds of a gourmet cheese: “Hust”, “Selyskyy young”, “mature Selyskyy” and “Narcissus Carpathians”. After choosing favorite cheese it can be purchased with a manufacturer price.

And what can be better to the cheese more that a good glass of wine flavored Carpathian ?!


After a busy day, you do not notice the way back to the city …;)