Corporate program support and maintenance of business events

We know how to improve your event! Small entertaining elements that dilute rich conference program is always relevant, because help to improve the atmosphere and...

Color Trends for Wedding spring/summer 2015

Spring and summer is a wonderful, warm and bright period for a memorable wedding reception. Because the nature itself gives us a lot of...

Quest “What Lions are silent?”

Throughout existence, a symbol of respect and devotion to the city was a lion. No wonder Leo is associated in the world with the Royal...

Welcome to Lviv!

політ на повітряній кулі

Happy people fly in the sky! Honeymoon balloon trip

The sky attracts us with its beauty and grandeur, lovers can spend hours to look into its depths and admire its charm. Here you...

Emotionally tour photo-quest “Six artifacts of the Lion city”

What beckons city Lviv? What is its uniqueness and originality? Throughout history, those who were born, lived or visited Lviv wants to come back again. Even...

(Українська) Вітання з прийдешніми святами

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Concept programs

We offer individually created or ready-made story programs with elements of team building. Each of the projects can be changed depending on the client's...

The activities

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